Questions Your Pastor Will Hate

Questions Your Pastor Will Hate

Beitragvon wuschelpuschel » Mo 20. Aug 2007, 23:37

Ich hoffe das war noch nicht da:

Moderatorenedit:Text entfernt. Bitte keine Webseiten kopieren, da dies zu Urheberrechtsverletzungen führen kann.
Beiträge: 40
Registriert: Mi 25. Jul 2007, 21:56

Beitragvon ostfriese » Di 21. Aug 2007, 10:08

"If Herod killed all the little children under two to get at Jesus, who escaped, can we not say the little children had to die for Jesus before he died for them?" Answer...No we can't, sheesh.

Beiträge: 1479
Registriert: Mi 20. Sep 2006, 22:28
Wohnort: Eisenach

Beitragvon Mittelklug » Di 21. Aug 2007, 11:27

People become atheistic for many reasons. A popular misconception among theists is that we have some terrible experience (lose a loved one, for example) and ask "How can I believe in a God that allows this to happen?", or start to hate God for allowing it to happen. It should be noted that in order to hate God, you actually have to believe in Him. People who claim to hate God (for whatever reason) are not, by definition, atheists. An atheist may hate a religion, or hate what people do in the name of a God, but an atheist cannot hate something that she does not believe in (it would be like hating dragons for eating princesses).

Another misconception is that people choose to become atheists. It's as though we say to ourselves, "Well, I really do believe in God, but I'm just going to pretend I don't believe.". Atheism is not a choice - you don't wake up one morning, flip a coin, and declare yourself to be atheist. It is not a teenage fad, nor is it a rebellious act (although some people are driven to atheism by constant preaching - see below). It is not an arbitrary decision - "What shall I have for breakfast today? Erm... toast. What colour carpet should we choose this year? Erm... green. What god should I believe in? Erm... none." - it doesn't work like that.

It should be remembered that everyone, you included, gentle reader, is born an atheist - babies do not believe in God. Your religion often depends on your upbringing - if your parents are Southern Baptists, you will probably also be a Southern Baptist. If your parents are Muslims, then you will probably be one also. Which God do you believe in? I'm betting it's entirely dependent on geography. It's a bit of a lottery, isn't it?
Aren't you lucky to have been in a country that just happens to worship the One True God? =)
Beiträge: 133
Registriert: Sa 21. Jul 2007, 11:24
Wohnort: Österreich, Bgld.

Beitragvon lorenz » Di 21. Aug 2007, 15:22

I remember asking why the Bible, a book which had to know better since it was written by God himself, said Joshua raised his hands and the "sun stopped for the space of about a day," when clearly it would be the earth that stopped rotating?

Na ganz einfach: Weil Gott so ein exzellenter Kommunikator ist, hat er zu den Seinen in ihrer Sprache geredet. Sozusagen metaphorisch. Hätte er davon geredet, dass die Erde um die Sonne kreist, dann hätten sie ihn nicht verstanden. Er hat sich also nur verständlich ausgedrückt, er ist in die Begriffswelt der Menschen hinabgestiegen.

SO leicht machen es einem die Pfaffen dann auch wieder nicht.

"How come in Mark 3 Mary and his brothers came to get Jesus and take him home because they thought he was "mad" which I assume means insane. Did Mary forget who he was and how he got here?"

Auch ganz einfach. Alle Fehler, die sich in die Bibel eingeschlichen haben, sind Menschenwerk. Gott hat uns den freien Willen gegeben, und damit auch die generelle Möglichkeit, Fehler zu machen. Sogar bei der Tradition seines Wortes! Wie können wir solche Fehler vermeiden? Dabei hilft uns nur der Heilige Geist. Den müssen wir freilich in uns hinein lassen. Am besten wir beten, dass er zu uns kommen möge. Dann wird er uns auch den richtigen Weg weisen. Blablabla...

Wie gesagt: SO leicht machen es einem die Pfaffen dann auch wieder nicht.

Ein Wahnsystem zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass der Betroffene auf jede Kritik eine ins System passende Antwort hat.
Beiträge: 289
Registriert: Mi 13. Dez 2006, 13:36
Wohnort: middle world

Beitragvon ostfriese » Di 21. Aug 2007, 20:02

Mittelklug, christianized like most of us, I became an atheist the very day I witnessed a twelve year old boy being told the death of his father.

Before that, I thought I needed a powerful, understanding and loving god. Like so many others, I didn't believe for good reasons or evidence, but just felt comfortable with the idea of god's existence and a deeper meaning of life. Loosing the god of my hopes therefore opened my mind for rational thinking on this issue und consequently led me to denying supernaturalism in general.

Did I decide to become an atheist? Did I discover me being one? Does it matter?
Beiträge: 1479
Registriert: Mi 20. Sep 2006, 22:28
Wohnort: Eisenach

Beitragvon Mittelklug » Mi 22. Aug 2007, 13:05

Öhm, mein Text oben ist nicht von mir. Hätte ich wohl dazuschreiben müssen. Ist aus einem atheistischen Forum Englands.
Beiträge: 133
Registriert: Sa 21. Jul 2007, 11:24
Wohnort: Österreich, Bgld.

Re: Questions Your Pastor Will Hate

Beitragvon emporda » Mi 22. Aug 2007, 13:24

wuschelpuschel hat geschrieben:Ich hoffe das war noch nicht da:

Sag mal Deinem Pfarrer, es gibt den absolut sicheren Beweis dafür, Jesus war ein Student

1) Er hatte lange ungepflegte Haare

2) Erlebt umsonst bei seinen Eltern

3) Wer er mal was getan hat, dann war es ein Wunder
Beiträge: 1123
Registriert: Di 7. Aug 2007, 17:56
Wohnort: Begur-Spanien

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