Montag hat geschrieben:insofern ist ja die pure fanatische sturheit mancher korananhänger sehr lobenswert
Islam bedeutet Gedankenkontrolle, Unterdrückung, geistige Sklaverei und kulturelle Steinzeit - was soll daran gut sein. Es liegt wohl an der geistigen Armut und Umnachtung gläubiger Menschen, daß sie den Islam für eine friedliche und humane Religion halten und gleichzeitig die Warnzeichen verdrängen.
vom 24. DezemberThe Herald, the organ of Malaysia's Catholic Church, has translated the word God as "Allah" but it is erroneous because Allah refers to the Muslim god, said Che Din Yusoff, a senior official at the Internal Security Ministry's publications control department, in remarks monitored by BosNewsLife. Christians cannot use the word Allah. It is only applicable to Muslims. Allah is only for the Muslim god. This is a design to confuse the Muslim people, Che Din added.
A Khartoum court has sentenced two Egyptians to six months in prison for marketing a book that is deemed offensive to Aisha, one of Prophet Mohammed’s wives. Abdel Fattah Abdel Raouf and Mahrous Mohammed Abdel Aziz were sentenced under article 125 of Sudan’s penal code, the same section under which U.K. teacher Gillian Gibbons was convicted after allowing her class to name a teddy bear Mohammed.
Iranian police have closed down 24 Internet cafes and other coffee shops in as many hours, detaining 23 people, as part of a broad crackdown on immoral behavior in the Islamic state. The action in Tehran province was the latest move in a campaign against fashion and other practices deemed incompatible with Islamic values, including women wearing high boots and barber shops offering men Western hair styles.
vom 20. Dezember Celebrated author Mark Steyn has been summoned to appear before two Canadian judicial panels on charges linked to his book America Alone. After the Canadian general-interest magazine Maclean's reprinted a chapter from the book, five Muslim law-school students, acting through the auspices of the Canadian Islamic Congress, demanded that the magazine be punished for spreading “hatred and contempt" for Muslims.
vom 19 DezemberA Canadian man has appeared in court in Toronto accused of killing his 16-year-old daughter, reportedly over her refusal to wear a traditional Islamic head scarf.Police received an emergency call from Muhammad Parvez who said that he had just killed his daughter. The girl, who was allegedly choked, later died in hospital. Her father was arrested at the scene, and appeared in court on murder charges on Wednesday.
vom 18. DezemberA Saudi woman sentenced to 200 lashes after she was gang-raped has been pardoned by the country’s leader, King Abdullah.The woman, known only as Qatif Girl after the area where the crime occurred, had also been sentenced to six months in prison as punishment for being alone in a car with a man who was not a relative.
vom 13. DezemberA football strip worn by Italian team Inter Milan is at the centre of a legal row after a lawyer claimed it offended "Muslim sensibilities".
vom 12 DezemberA 48-year-old man with two children faces death by stoning in Iran after he was accused of having had extra-marital sex. Iran's Supreme Court has sentenced Abdollah Farivar Moghaddam to death by stoning in the city of Sari, in the north of the country.
vom 9. DezemberWhen Sofia Allam left the Muslim faith for Christianity, the response from her family was one of persecution and threats. Alasdair Palmer explores the dangers facing Islam's apostates. Sofia Allam simply could not believe it. Her kind, loving father was sitting in front of her threatening to kill her. He said she had brought shame and humiliation on him, that she was now worse than the muck on their shoes and she deserved to die.
An Egyptian Christian woman has been jailed for three years because her father's brief conversion to Islam 45 years ago made her legally a Muslim while her official papers said she was Christian, her lawyer said.
Almost half of Britain’s mosques are under the control of a hardline Islamic sect whose leading preacher loathes Western values and has called on Muslims to “shed blood” for Allah, an investigation by The Times has found. The ultra-conservative movement, which gave birth to the Taleban in Afghanistan, now runs more than 600 of Britain’s 1,350 mosques, according to a police report seen by The Times.
Whilst serving as secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, Sir Iqbal Sacranie wrote an article (published on the MCB website) clearly giving his approval for Muslim men to have sex with girls as young as 8 years old.
Im Bistum Essen-Gelsenkirchen kommen 30% oder 98 Kirchen unter die Abrißbirne, es gibt kein Geld, keine Gläubige und auch keine Priester. Gleichzeitig öffnen 16 neue Moscheen die Tore. Es gibt theologische Fakultäten, die haben mehr Professoren als Studenten. Professoren sind Beamte auf Lebenszeit und werden auch bei NULL Studenten bezahlt. Wenn die Islamisten in der Zunkunft die stärkste Religionsgemeinschaft in Deutschland sind, dann werden sie die Einführung der Sharia - das islamische Gesetz - verlangen.