pinkwoolf hat geschrieben:Intelligent design vom Feinsten.
Auszüge aus dem "Boston Globe" by Kenneth R. Miller
"Expelled" tells of this terrible campaign against free expression, and mocks the pretensions of the closed-minded scientific elite supposedly behind it.
Millions of dollars have been spent promoting Ben Stein's Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed to fundamentalist church groups, but that money would have been better spent on fact checkers.
Despite these falsehoods, by far the film's most outlandish misrepresentation is its linkage of Darwin with the Holocaust. A concentration camp tour guide tells Stein that the Nazis were practicing "Darwinism," and that's that. Never mind those belt buckles proclaiming Gott mit uns (God is with us), the toxic anti-Semitism of Martin Luther, the ghettoes and murderous pogroms in Christian Europe centuries before Darwin's birth. No matter. It's all the fault of evolution.
Why is all this nonsense a threat to science? The reason is Stein's libelous conclusion that science is simply evil. In an April 21 interview on the Trinity Broadcast Network, Stein called the Nazi murder of children "horrifying beyond words." Indeed. But what led to such horrors? Stein explained: "that's where science in my opinion, this is just an opinion, that's where science leads you. Love of God and compassion and empathy leads you to a very glorious place. Science leads you to killing people." ... r_science/Und da war dann noch der Kreationist Nathaniel Abrahams, der vom Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution gefeuert wurde, weil er die Evolution nicht akzeptiert und keine Arbeit in biologischer Forschung in dieser Richtung ausführen wollte.
Creationist's lawsuit against Woods Hole dismissed
Nathaniel Abraham's lawsuit against Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution was dismissed on April 22, 2008. Contending that he was fired, in violation of his civil rights, for not accepting evolution, Abraham filed suit against the research center on November 30, 2007, alleging that his rights were violated under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and seeking compensatory and punitive damages. In his complaint, Abraham claimed that acceptance of evolution "was in no way a bona fide occupational qualification of employment, was not previously mentioned or implied as a requisite of hiring, and was never listed among necessary criteria for the advertised position." ... 2_2008.aspDazu aus Deutschland
Prof. Dr. Dittmar Graf, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Biologie und ihre Didaktik an der TU Dortmund und Mitglied im Wissenschaftsrat der GWUP, unterstreicht die Forderung der Skeptiker: „Jeder kann glauben, was er will. Kritisiert werden muss aber, wenn mythische Schöpfungsgeschichten als Wissenschaft verkauft werden, wenn man sie in den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht einbringen und Schöpfungslehre als gleichberechtigte Alternative zur Evolution als Unterrichtsgegenstand etablieren will. Bedrohlich für die Zukunftsfähigkeit unseres Landes wird die Angelegenheit, weil damit die sowieso schon vorhandene Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit, die in keinem anderen EU-Land so hoch ist wie in Deutschland, weiter befördert wird.“