Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

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Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon wuschelpuschel » So 16. Sep 2007, 12:57

(Kent Hovind) Creation Seminar 1 - Age of the Earth Part 1

Das ist nur der erste Teil. Mit den Videos von Kent Hovind kann man sich stundenlang bespaßen. (Guckt einfach mal bei Related)
Beiträge: 40
Registriert: Mi 25. Jul 2007, 21:56

Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon Max » So 16. Sep 2007, 16:11

wuschelpuschel hat geschrieben:(Kent Hovind) Creation Seminar 1 - Age of the Earth Part 1

Das ist nur der erste Teil. Mit den Videos von Kent Hovind kann man sich stundenlang bespaßen. (Guckt einfach mal bei Related)

Du hast keine ausreichende Berechtigung, um die Dateianhänge dieses Beitrags anzusehen.
Beiträge: 2038
Registriert: So 10. Sep 2006, 09:55

Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon pinkwoolf » Mo 17. Sep 2007, 19:05

BBC-Bericht über das Kreationisten-Museum: ... ed&search=

In der Suchleiste weitere lustige Filme zum Thema
Beiträge: 947
Registriert: Mo 17. Sep 2007, 18:58

Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon emporda » Di 18. Sep 2007, 11:49

Kent Hovind ist der wohl größte lebende Religionsclown. Bei den Videos kommt nur sehr wenig von dem durch, was er alles an Absurditäten von sich gibt. Mehr dazu findet man unter
In spite of their ferocious look, many people would probably argue the T-Rex was a vegetarian. The ferocious teeth would have been great for, you know, crushing stuffed pumpkins or something, you know. I don't know if it has ever been proven they were meat eaters. There is plenty of evidence from cracks in the enamel with chlorophyll stains in them indicating they were certainly eating plants.

John Morris told me - he's president of ICR [....] - he said, "Dr Hovind, carbon dating has never worked once. It has never, ever worked." None of the dating methods have ever worked once.

The claim that the entire Universe was in one tiny dot called a singularity is absolutely stupid. [.....] If you can't even compress a bowl of water. Get a cup of water and compress it into some smaller space. It just can't be done, okay.

I think dark matter, anti-matter and missing matter are all baloney. They're used to try to rescue or support the Evolution Theory. Truth of the matter is we can see stars and galaxies - with millions of miles of nothing in between - and that makes a real problem for the evolutionist and his Big Bang Theory.

No one has ever seen dust accumulate into solids like stars or planets and Boyle's gas laws clearly show it cannot happen.

There is much empirical data that conclusively proves vaccinations can be harmful, and in many cases fatal, and should therefore be avoided. [.....] There is also a book available through CSE which provides in-depth information concerning the dangers of vaccinations and how they destroy our God-given immune system.

There have been human skeletons found in so called Cambrian rock.

Probably, after the Flood, the Tower of Babel took place. God put them into different language groups. They spread out. Those that spoke French went one way. Those that spoke German went a different way. Those that spoke Spanish went a different way.

We today put, for instance, a whale and a dolphin in the mammal family but the Bible may consider that a fish. After all, it does live in the water and I don't know that it is or it isn't. But if the Bible does consider a whale in the fish kind that would not mean the Bible is wrong that would mean our current way of dividing animals up is different to the Bible's way of dividing animals up, that's all.

To claim that cyanide is always poisonous is simply not logical. […..] The cyanide found in fruit seeds is good for you. I eat apricot seeds all the time and have never had a problem.

Dinosaurs have four perfectly good legs and birds have two legs and two wings. So if he’s going to turn into a bird his front legs are going to have to turn into wings [….] Somewhere along the line they’re going to be half leg and half wing. Which means now he can’t walk anymore and can’t fly yet.

Dinosaurs were just big reptiles that lived with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. You can buy these at the pet store right now; it has got three horns on his face, what would he look like at about 10 tons? Some kind of triceratops?

Satan is seeing to it that well meaning parents are destroying their children's immune system by putting over 22 viruses into their system before they are two.

There is not an ozone problem that man has created. [.....] Man has done almost nothing to the ozone. In fact, my understanding is that the last time scientists measured the ozone layer, it was thicker than it was the first time they measured it.

If evolution is true, you could not know that it's true because your brain is nothing but chemicals. Think about that.

There has been research that indicates nearly all homosexuals come from families that have a weak father figure, and a dominate [sic] mother. I believe that research shows that there is a social link where the children are raised to be wimps or whatever.

Three heavens in the Bible, first heaven where the birds fly, second heaven where the stars are, third heaven where God lives. We are going there one of these days! We are going to hear the angel blow the trumpet! Blast off out of here, take a bite off of the Milky Way on the way by and head for the third heaven. It is going to be awesome!

Could it be that people accept evolution because [....] They know that evolution is the only philosophy that can be used to justify their political agenda of:
i. Communism
ii. Racism
iii. Abortion
iv. Nazism
v. Socialism
vi. Gay rights
vii. Women's liberation
viii. Extreme environmentalism
ix. Euthanasia
x. Pornography
xi. Humanism
xii. New Age Movement

The Smithsonian Institute [sic] has 33,000 sets of human remains in their basement right now as you are reading this. Many of them were taken while the people were still alive. They were so desperate to find missing links, so desperate to prove their theory that they murdered people to prove it.
Beiträge: 1123
Registriert: Di 7. Aug 2007, 17:56
Wohnort: Begur-Spanien

Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon Peter Janotta » Di 18. Sep 2007, 13:52

Und er ist mal wieder einer von der scheinheiligen Fraktion, denn Hovind sitzt im Knast wegen Steuerhinterziehung.
Peter Janotta
Beiträge: 1492
Registriert: Mo 26. Mär 2007, 10:53
Wohnort: Würzburg

Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon Max » Di 18. Sep 2007, 15:49

Peter Janotta hat geschrieben:Und er ist mal wieder einer von der scheinheiligen Fraktion, denn Hovind sitzt im Knast wegen Steuerhinterziehung.

Irgendwie gibts da unter evangelikalen Predigern überdurchschnittlich viele von. Irre ich mich da? Woran kann das wohl liegen?
Beiträge: 2038
Registriert: So 10. Sep 2006, 09:55

Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon [C]Arrowman » Mi 19. Sep 2007, 14:35

Erwerbsregeln der Ferengi hat geschrieben:#001 Wenn du das Geld erst einmal hast, so gib es nicht wieder her.
Beiträge: 961
Registriert: Mo 1. Jan 2007, 16:18
Wohnort: Fuldabrück

Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon wuschelpuschel » Fr 21. Sep 2007, 14:00

Ich wusste leider nicht wo ich's hinposten soll. Hier scheint es mir ganz passend.

Weiteres bei
Beiträge: 40
Registriert: Mi 25. Jul 2007, 21:56

Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon [C]Arrowman » Fr 21. Sep 2007, 18:56

oh ja die schaue ich mir auch regelmäßig an
Beiträge: 961
Registriert: Mo 1. Jan 2007, 16:18
Wohnort: Fuldabrück

Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon pinkwoolf » Mi 26. Sep 2007, 19:13

Ist dieses Video ironisch gemeint oder ernst? ... ed&search=

Wenn ironisch: Warum versäumt es der Autor, deutlichere Ironiesignale zu senden?
Wenn ernst: Wie kann jemand solche Gehirnausscheidungen als Denken missverstehen?
Beiträge: 947
Registriert: Mo 17. Sep 2007, 18:58

Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon Peter Janotta » Mi 26. Sep 2007, 19:28

HI pinkwoolf! Willkommen im Forum! :applaus:

Das Video ist definitv Satire.
Peter Janotta
Beiträge: 1492
Registriert: Mo 26. Mär 2007, 10:53
Wohnort: Würzburg

Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon ernst.eiswuerfel » Do 27. Sep 2007, 10:49

Das Video ist Satire. Und ausserdem sehr Lustig :lachtot: .
Beiträge: 289
Registriert: Sa 8. Sep 2007, 17:34

Re: Lustige Kreationisten-Videos

Beitragvon pinkwoolf » Fr 28. Sep 2007, 19:17

:blush2: Ja, definitiv Satire. Dieses aber nicht:
Beiträge: 947
Registriert: Mo 17. Sep 2007, 18:58


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