Musik für Ungläubige

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Beitragvon Münchhausen » Do 23. Aug 2007, 20:10

Die Jesus Christ Superstar CD von Laibach ist echt zu empfehlen..

Schade dass es kein Video von Jesus Superstar gibt, aber die Lyriks konnte ich finden

Laibach - Jesus Christ Superstar Lyrics

Every time I look at you
I don't understand
Why you let the things you did
Get so out of hand
You'd have managed better
If you'd had it planned
Now why'd you choose such a backward time
And such a strange land?

If you'd come today
You could have reached the whole nation
Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication
Don't you get me wrong

Only want to know

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Who are you? What have you sacrificed?

Jesus Christ
Do you think you're what they say you are?

Jesus Christ
Do you think you're what they say you are?

Tell me what you think
About your friends at the top
Now who d'you think besides yourself
Was the pick of the crop?
Buddah was he where it's at?
Is he where you are?
Could Muhammmed move a mountain
Or was that just PR?
Did you mean to die like that?
Was that a mistake or
Did you know your messy death
Would be a record breaker?
Beiträge: 244
Registriert: Sa 6. Jan 2007, 00:03

Beitragvon wuschelpuschel » Fr 24. Aug 2007, 11:31

Creation Science Song
Roy Zimmerman sings about evolution.
Beiträge: 40
Registriert: Mi 25. Jul 2007, 21:56

Re: Musik für Ungläubige

Beitragvon BickleT » Di 29. Jul 2008, 08:16

Wie wärs mit dem hier:

Ministry: Psalm 69 (Industrial-Metal)

Wurde mal sehr treffend als "theme song for hell" beschrieben
Viel Spass! :mg:

congregation, please be seated and open your prayer guides to the book
of revelations, psalm 69

drinking the blood of jesus
drinking it right from his veins
learning to swim in the ocean
learning to prowl in his name

the body of christ looked unto me
a preacher with cock in his hands
he wants you to suck on the holy ghost
and swallow the sins of man

psalm 69

the invisible piss of the holy ghost
comes down like acid rain
they're making a bonnet of terminal guilt
the scavengers go on parade

the fathers who write that eternity
is used to fight the sword
have filled you up with the devil's cock
and he'll come in the name of the lord

the way to succeed and the way to suck eggs
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Sa 19. Jul 2008, 18:09

Re: Musik für Ungläubige

Beitragvon folgsam » Di 29. Jul 2008, 18:48

BickleT hat geschrieben:the way to succeed and the way to suck eggs

Da wurde mal wieder Altmeister Crowley bemüht. Naja, ihn wirds kaum jucken :^^:
Beiträge: 1307
Registriert: Fr 28. Dez 2007, 16:18


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