Mail an Brights-Gründer

Beitragvon LinuxBug » Mo 5. Mär 2007, 18:56

das weiß ich nicht,
habe aber auch nichts dagegen falls ihr das machen wollt.
(habe auch nichts gefunden auf der Brights Homepage)

ich wollte nur noch ein paar informationen zu den vorherigen fragen bringen... :up:
Beiträge: 473
Registriert: Do 8. Feb 2007, 16:17
Wohnort: Wien

Paul verzweifelt

Beitragvon Andreas Müller » Do 8. Mär 2007, 00:13


Sorry for the delay, I am quite inundated with Brights' work. I think I
understand your major concerns.

Quotation from You.

Still, Brights Germany momentarily works a bit different than Brights Net.
For example we have a blog where news that could be of interest for Brights
are made available. Or - and that may not be in your interest -
we agree on common actions of "Brights Germany" (not "Brights Net") in our
public forum. That's due to problems with the public representation of the
movement here (remember the "slow"). But I very well see that we should
change that. Perhaps we should give ourselves another name or something
like that. We had quite some problems to defend the "arrogant" term
"Bright" anyway. Personally I think this would be a pity. I like the
Brights. Always defended it. Brakes my heart.

But it doesn't seem to fit your idea of the movement.

Admittedly everyone here got problems with the narrower definitions of
what a Bright is and what our goals are. In the details it really gets a bit

complicated. I can only hope we haven't done any damage so far.

Bright regards (I love that one),

My Response:

We understand that being an international organization will generate
problems, due to different cultures, etc.

We would like to see an organization such as your embrace the name,
definition, and three principles. Beyond that we cannot expect to
micromanage your programs and organizations.

Being an Brights' BLC provides you benefits, such as being listed on the BLC
pages of the web, and you are able to have us send an email to every Bright
in Germany, telling them of your plans.

After all, we have a Korean website and we don't have the slightest idea
what it says or what they are doing! The French Brights more or less go
merrily on their own pathway.

So you can develop whatever organization you need. We would hope it would
retain the name Bright. We want the name to become commonplace in the world,
like the name "Gay" is in U.S. (and perhaps Germany).

We hope the organization would not consider itself an "atheistic"
organization, limiting membership to certain types of actions. We hope the
organization would understand that Brights organizations are not
anti-religious organization.

Hope this helps.

Bright Regards

Freibrief ahoi!

Wir dürfen machen, was wir wollen, insofern wir:

1. Name, Definition und die drei Prinzipien (er meint wahrscheinlich die Hauptziele) beibehalten
2. Keine atheistische Organisation daraus machen, die Brights sind nicht anti-religiös

Damit, denke ich, können wir gut leben! Endlich eine Lösung gefunden!
:silvester_smilie: :silvester_mrgreen:
Andreas Müller
Beiträge: 2671
Registriert: So 10. Sep 2006, 23:17

Beitragvon ostfriese » Fr 9. Mär 2007, 05:52

Hab ich doch prophezeit! :up: ("micromanage" ist eine hübsche Vokabel, merk ich mir!)

... also dürfen mir die Brights "jenseits größerer Gewässer" weiterhin sympathisch sein! :2thumbs:
Beiträge: 1479
Registriert: Mi 20. Sep 2006, 22:28
Wohnort: Eisenach

Beitragvon Klaus » Fr 9. Mär 2007, 10:20

Eine gute Antwort, mit viel Spielraum. :/
Beiträge: 4704
Registriert: Mo 11. Sep 2006, 21:43
Wohnort: get off the Net, I´ll meet you in the Streets

Beitragvon Joe » Fr 9. Mär 2007, 17:44

Jetzt müssen wir nur noch überlegen, wie wir die neu gewonnene Freiheit nutzen. :brights:
Beiträge: 168
Registriert: Do 21. Dez 2006, 17:08
Wohnort: Stuttgart

Beitragvon Nox » Fr 9. Mär 2007, 18:17

After all, we have a Korean website and we don't have the slightest idea
what it says or what they are doing!


Rest klingt doch super :)
Beiträge: 347
Registriert: Di 19. Dez 2006, 19:51

Beitragvon Klaus » Fr 9. Mär 2007, 18:38

Nicht nur die Koreaner sind den Brights-Gründern ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln, ich denke mal, die gallischen Kollegen befinden sich auf einem ähnlichen Level, aber die Gallier waren schon immer renitent und widerborstig, wenn ich meinen Asterix-geschichten glauben darf. =)
Beiträge: 4704
Registriert: Mo 11. Sep 2006, 21:43
Wohnort: get off the Net, I´ll meet you in the Streets


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