Restauration und bla

Restauration und bla

Beitragvon Seteney » Mo 11. Okt 2010, 14:03

The "Cross" ("croix") is a clear symbol of the undivided Church, whose reunification will be "accomplished" ("accomply") most likely through war, as implied by the "peace" ("paix") that follows war. This peace will be brought about through a miraculous "divine" ("diuin") intervention - by the "word" ("verbe") of God.

The nostradamian prophecy is similar to an Eastern Orthodox prophecy of Methodius of Olympia (or Patara/Patares in Greek), an Orthodox saint and bishop, written in the early IV century. It is different from a so-called Pseudo-Methodius prophecy, written much later in the VII century, and completely different in contents. This prophecy announces the fall of the West ("the sun-set land") and especially of Rome ("the city of the seven hills") under the "Ismaelites" (Muslims), its liberation by the "blonde nation" (the Russians) and their subsequent stay in Rome for 15 years, period during which the "dormant snake" (an Orthodox symbol of Catholicism, as opposed to Islam, an active snake) will be crushed, forced to shed its heresies, and to return to Orthodoxy. Then, after these terrible events, the prophecy announces the freeing from under "Ismaelites" (the Muslims) of Byzantium (Constantinople) through the bloodiest war ever, whose victory will be decided in favor of a pan-European Christian coalition under the command of King "Philippe the sixth" by the divine intervention of angelic hosts. They will be conveying Christ's message, shouting out loud, making the earth tremble in a great earthquake, bringing the war to an end for the greater glory of God and of His Christ. After the re-establishment of the freed Eastern Roman Empire (also known as Byzantine) with its capital in Constantinople, the various churches, especially the Catholic one, seeing the great wondrous signs of God manifest in this terrible battle, will return to the unaltered Orthodox faith, restoring the undivided Church of the first millenium.

It is worth noting that St. Methodius' prophecy supports the nostradamian one, not only in what concerns the reunification of the Church accomplished through the great sign of the "divine word" ("diuin verbe"), but also about the fate of France and Spain. In St. Methodius's prophecy, the glorified leader of the pan-Christian coalition is nobody other than King "Philippe the sixth", who cannot be any other but that of either Spain or Belgium, the only two Christian kingdoms with Philippe's in their ruling houses and across their histories. To interpret this unique part of the prophecy - the only name in the prophecy -, the King of Spain is more likely to lead a pan-European coalition than the King of Belgium - a less militarily mighty country and also less likely to be involved in a war against the Muslim invaders by virtue of its position on the map.

If we corroborate the Orthodox prophecy about the glorious King "Philippe the sixth" (of Spain, if I may add) with the nostradamian one announcing the unification of Spain and France, it is very likely that the next King of Spain Philippe VI, currently Prince Felipe of Asturias, will become the King of France, thus restoring the Bourbons back on their ancient Throne. The creation of the Franco-Spanish Kingdom will be around the time of a "great disaster and combat very bitter" according to Nostradamus, a war none other than the one for Byzantium, the bloodiest ever according to St. Methodius' prophecy. Therefore, the glorified hero of the war for Byzantium, the future King Philippe VI of Spain, will have the best moral credit to be entrusted with the Throne of a France, very likely, also victim of the "great disaster". For a Christian-Muslim clash is unlikely to have taken place only in Byzantium, when we witness every day the increasing Islamic unrest and fundamentalism across the Middle East and Western Europe. Both St. Methodius' and Nostradamus' prophecies suggest such a war in the West, the first through an invasion of the "Ismaelites" in the "sun-setting land" and in Rome, the latter through a metaphoric image - "no heart will be so hardy as not to tremble" due to a "great disaster near." With France invaded by the Muslims, King Philippe VI will have the chance to lead the liberating campaigns for both Spain and neighboring France, thus earning himself the moral right to be entrusted with the French Crown.

Über die Restauration der Monarchie in Frankreich. Angeblich prophezeit von Heiligen. Wir Muslime spielen dabei auch eine Rolle. Nämlich die bösen die Europa überrollen und einen Krieg anzetteln.

Das hat mich allerdings sehr perplex gemacht. Immer diese hoffnungslosen Monarchisten und ihr krankhaftes Bückstück Dasein.
Was haltet ihr davon?
Beiträge: 31
Registriert: So 26. Sep 2010, 12:20

Re: Restauration und bla

Beitragvon stine » Mo 11. Okt 2010, 14:35

Harte Zeiten für Felipe und Letitia

LG stine
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Registriert: Do 27. Sep 2007, 08:47

Re: Restauration und bla

Beitragvon Seteney » Mo 11. Okt 2010, 14:59


Ich habe mal gehört er wäre nicht der hellste. Genauso wie seine Geschwister. Borbonen Degeneration halt.
Beiträge: 31
Registriert: So 26. Sep 2010, 12:20

Re: Restauration und bla

Beitragvon stine » Mo 11. Okt 2010, 15:15

Aber in Oxford oder Harvard waren sie alle. Erstaunlich gell?
Beiträge: 8022
Registriert: Do 27. Sep 2007, 08:47

Re: Restauration und bla

Beitragvon Seteney » Mo 11. Okt 2010, 15:40

Muss nichts heißen. Dem Haakon von Norwegen traue ich aber Intelligenz zu :up:
Beiträge: 31
Registriert: So 26. Sep 2010, 12:20

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